
What is Energy Healing?

Do you ever:
Get stuck in heavy emotions?
Get easily triggered?
Feel achy energy in your body?
Feel constantly exhausted for no reason?

Energy healing is an ancient shamanic practice of releasing energy blocks so you can reconnect with your true self and manifest the life of your dreams.

Healing is remembering the truth who you really are.

Do you want to feel lighter? Are you ready to release all that doesn’t serve you, and step into your highest potential?

I used to think that feeling heavy and emotional was just who I was. I had been diagnosed with depression and I would drag myself to Bikram yoga six times a week to stretch and sweat to try to feel better. It did help a little, but doing a 90 minute class almost every day, just to manage to be ‘ok’ just wasn’t sustainable for me.

Discovering energy healing was truly a life-changing experience. Learning that these heavy energies and emotions were not who I was, and that I could learn from them, use them to transform my life, heal and then release them was so empowering. I integrate energy healing into my card readings to help provide a more powerful shift for my clients as I know this is critical to upgrading your inner and outer realities to be more aligned to your dreams.