How do I know if energy healing and card reading is for me?

If you have found yourself here, chances are your soul could be directing you towards exploring some form of alternative healing or guidance. In my experience, the best path to follow on your healing journey is always led by your own inner voice, gut feel & intuition.

Naturally, it can be useful to learn from the experiences of others, but it can also be confusing and overwhelming out there with so many options and opinions of what others say we ‘should do.’

Your inner voice and what you are naturally drawn to, or excited by,  is your best guide as to what healing modality your soul is calling for. Your inner voice is best accessed when you can find some regular quiet time with yourself, perhaps meditating by candlelight or getting out in nature for a walk. This is when you are most relaxed and connected to yourself and where inspiration, messages and guidance can more freely drop into your awareness.

Try to block out the overly targeted marketing, the dominant opinions of the strong personalities in your life, and tune into your soul and then flow out into the world from there. Being in this relaxed trusting state, you will find the universe delivers just the right people, books, resources and clues for your healing, just at the right time. It’s important to trust yourself and go with the flow.

Card Reading and Shamanic Energy Healing are two of the most gentle and yet powerful modalities I have come across on my own journey which is why I have made these an important part of the Corporate Actress offer. I first started with more traditional healing including mindfulness based cognitive therapy, an amazing GP and lots of yoga, but when I was ready to go deeper and unlock the thoughts, behaviours and patterns in my life that were keeping me stuck, I was drawn to these practices.

Corporate Actress uses card reading to bring through gentle and tangible messages from your higher self, soul, and spiritual guidance team in relation to the priority issues, blocks or messages that are important to the current life journey. We then work through any blocks in your energy field that you are ready to release either at the time of the session or in the weeks that follow. The intention for all Corporate Actress offers is that you would feel only more harmony, health, happiness, bliss and peace as a result of the reading and healing.

How often should I have a healing, or my cards read?

In general, every six months is a good amount of time between readings. In my experience it is also important not to do too many different healing approaches at the one time. It’s important to give yourself and your soul enough time to integrate each healing and process any transformation. Having said that, trust yourself and go with what feels right to you with this, there is no right or wrong or one size fits all. Some of us may need extra support if we ae going through an accelerated awakening or ascension. One example would be in the soul mate journey where some regular support can be helpful for certain parts of the journey, as long as you don’t become overly reliant or dependent on a healer and that the boundaries of personal power are able to be upheld.

What if I have mental health issues?

It’s important to understand that energy healing and card reading should not be a replacement for your current mental health support structures such as medication, GPs, therapists or any other medical support you are receiving. (For more please see our Terms & conditions)

All Corporate Actress offers are bought through with the intention of gentle guidance and only bringing through what is appropriate and manageable for the client at that time. However, if you are unsure of whether this is the right kind of support for you right now, it’s always best to consult your mental health support team for a recommendation on how gentle card reading and energy healing could support the work you are already doing.

I have had my own personal journey with depression and anxiety, and I found traditional medicine to be extremely helpful to getting me to a place where I was ready to then explore other options like energy healing. Just trust your path because there is no rush and we are all on this life journey to learn, love & heal through different experiences. We are blessed to live in a time with so many great support offers.

How do I know if a healer is the right person for me to work with?

An important part of connecting with the right healer or reader for you is to trust that it will happen when the time is right and allow yourself to flow through to the right person, place, book or blog to help support your journey.

‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear’ Buddhist Proverb

It’s important to remember that we are all unique souls living this human experience here to master different lessons. That’s why it’s critical as you awaken to your true self and remember your soul’s purpose, that you remember to connect with your own true power. Healers, card readers and even traditional medical practitioners are no more powerful than you as souls. The person who knows what is best for you, is always, always YOU.

I also know at the beginning of the awakening and healing journey it can be hard to do this and so it is helpful to have a healer, reader, mentor, therapist, GP or trusted friend or loved one to speak to about your mental, physical or emotional healing journey. Just please remember, no one knows your path, or what you need better than YOU!

Trust yourself to choose the right healer to support your journey. Healers are amazing facilitators and guides, but remember, it is ultimately, you that heals yourself.

How long will my recorded card reading take to arrive in my inbox?

Depending on the number of bookings we have, a recorded card reading could take up to 8 weeks from date of purchase. This is due to the care Corporate Actress takes to ensure that the reading comes to life at the perfect time and with the best possible quality. We work with the Divine Feminine guides and energies and so sometimes we require patience to trust her process. Please be aware that currently Sasha only works 1-2 days per week in the Corporate Actress business. Thank you for your patience as we endeavour to bring you the highest possible quality of readings, healings & guidance.

What if I don’t understand something in my reading?

Recorded readings are fantastic because we can watch and listen to them a number of times and a week or two after the first run to integrate different levels of messages and channelled guidance. You can also send an email to sasha@corproateactress.com with any questions. Please be aware that currently Sasha only works 1-2 days per week in the Corporate Actress business and will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience as we endeavour to bring you the highest possible quality of readings, healings & guidance.

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