
Who is the ‘Corporate Actress’?


I remember a time when I felt overwhelmed and exhausted every. single. day. Nothing in my life seemed to be working. I hated my job, my relationship was falling apart and I was just struggling to get through the working week.

I knew I was here to do something more meaningful, I just couldn’t see through all the haze to what that was.

Turns out, all that energy I was using to keep it all together was the very thing draining the life out of me and making me miserable. On paper I had the most incredible career and life, but inside I was crumbling.

I was the ultimate ‘Corporate Actress’, worthy of an Academy Award for my daily performance at work – outwardly together, inwardly falling apart.

So my life eventually did fall apart. Unable to keep up the act any longer, I had to face myself. With no relationship or job to hide away in, I embarked on a deep personal healing journey involving an amazing GP, therapist, shamanic energy healer, Bikram yoga and angel cards. Over three years I was able to free myself gradually from antidepressants (under my doctor’s supervision) and empower myself with healing techniques
that got to the very heart of why I was feeling down. I began to remember my inner Goddess, I began to feel this inexplicable feeling of happiness, for no reason at all. I had finally surrendered to the voice within; I had come home.

So please don’t avoid your pain, because it holds the answers, I promise! You just need some tools and support like I did, to show you how to use it to transform!

So this is the story of how the feminine took her power back. By dropping the act and coming back to the truth of who she really is. No more pretending, no more holding back. I know the path of healing with the Goddess isn’t always easy, but I promise you, it’s so incredibly worth it.

I’m so glad you’re here! This is your story! Are you ready to come home?

Love Sasha xx